Is Your Self-Dialogue Sabotaging You?

I don’t think anyone would disagree that effective communication is probably the biggest key to relating to other people and getting what you want.   But what about communicating with yourself?   Talking to yourself isn’t just something that people labelled as nuts do and get therapy for; it’s something we ALL do. How do […]

One Breath at a Time

One Breath at a Time

“Take this,” I was told, and I took the brown paper bag he gave me and put it up to my mouth. “Now breathe deeply ten times.” I did what I was told. It felt a little strange. My friend held me from behind with his arms around my chest, squeezed tight, and told me […]

What If It Can Be Easy?

How many times do we find ourselves overworked and exhausted? How many things go unnoticed because we are doing something that takes our attention?  I remember my first lesson of economics, a subject I was introduced to at the ripe young age of 13. I failed my exams hopelessly, but I do still recall the […]

Commitment and Change

“The moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred… Unforeseen incidents, meetings, and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way.” ― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe What is commitment? My son refers to it as […]

How to Make the Most of Your Breathwork Practice

Whether you’re new to breathwork or a seasoned practitioner, here are five ways to make the most of your breathwork practice.  Practicing breathwork is as simple as showing up, bringing conscious awareness to the breath, and letting it guide us. But when you’re practicing unguided and alone at home, it can sometimes feel like you […]

When the heart is a victim to thought

As human beings, we are very used to our heart hurting or feeling pain. In fact, that is perhaps the most common feeling that we notice, so we tend to forget the tremendous resource it is for us, not just as the engine for our survival, pulsing life force through us in every moment, but […]

Why do we Hide from the Intimacy we seek?

Why do we Hide from the Intimacy we seek?

Why do we Hide from the Intimacy we seek?    This week in our Breathe The World session I asked two questions:    The first was: In which part of your life do you want more intimacy?    The second:  As the creator of your own possibility, what’s the next best step to do something […]

If you had a message for one of your ancestors, what would it be?

Hello everyone, welcome to today’s blog post, written on the day of a full solar eclipse happening in many parts of the world, alongside a new moon in Cancer. I read that the energy behind these total eclipses is one of bringing things up things from the past to be felt and healed, and so […]

If there was a part of you that wanted ease and grace, what part of you would it be?

In this week’s #breathetheworld session, the question for contemplation, posed by Anthony was: “If there was a part of you that wanted ease and grace, what part of you would it be?” It’s interesting to consider ourselves as ‘parts’ of an organism, and in fact can be helpful too. When we separate ourselves this way, […]

Breathwork is on the rise

Breathwork is on the rise. In fact one of the fastest growing modalities in Health and Wellbeing. It feels strange to say that the Breath is a trend when breathing is something we’ve done ever since the moment we were born! There are many bodily functions which work automatically as part of the function of […]

Is Duality a Con?

Is it really a dualistic experience we need to heal? Is it really just the distance between who we are and the outside world that needs to be bridged? I don’t think so. To believe that oneness is where we came from and one day hopefully return to, does makes sense. What doesn’t make sense […]

What would you do if time was up?

We had two great breathes last Sunday. It’s heartening to see familiar faces each week, to share so deeply with people from all over the world. This week the theme of death, dying and letting go seemed to hover in the air. None of us really ever know how long we have on this earth, […]

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