The Body Archive

The Body Archive

Every life experience we have had is recorded in our cellular structure. This is what I call the Body Archive. Many of these experiences were traumatic, and remain lodged, blocked in our system. But there is much, much more than our own lifetime recorded in our Body Archive. When you consider that what doesn’t get worked […]

Why do we Hide from the Intimacy we seek?

Why do we Hide from the Intimacy we seek?

Why do we Hide from the Intimacy we seek?    This week in our Breathe The World session I asked two questions:    The first was: In which part of your life do you want more intimacy?    The second:  As the creator of your own possibility, what’s the next best step to do something […]

Emerging Victorious – Honouring Your Gains and Integrating Your Treasures

You heard the call, you left the safe harbour, you’ve faced all of the external voices persuading you that you shouldn’t follow your dreams, and you’ve faced your own personal inner Demons along the way, so what next?   For most of us by the time we return from our Hero’s Journey, we are changed. […]

Facing your fears and your own inner demons: Entering the Abyss

Imagine this….   You have left the safe harbour of the familiar and the known. You have listened to the call of your spirit, and found the resolution you needed to make the changes you wish to make; the changes that will take you closer towards your dreams. You managed to resist the negative and […]

Leaving Safe Harbour: Building your Network of Allies and Support

I once saw a wonderful quote that said; “If you have never left the safety of the harbour, I’m not going to come to you for sailing lessons.”   What I loved about this quote is that it very much points to our own personal inner journey, using the metaphor of the navigation of unknown […]

Call to Adventure

How often in life do we hear a strong ‘Call to Adventure’?   And how often do we squash that call, rationalising it away in a pool of doubts, fears, and lack of confidence? Perhaps we feel it’s foolish to dream that way, and that success only happens for other people. Perhaps we carry an […]

If you had a message for one of your ancestors, what would it be?

Hello everyone, welcome to today’s blog post, written on the day of a full solar eclipse happening in many parts of the world, alongside a new moon in Cancer. I read that the energy behind these total eclipses is one of bringing things up things from the past to be felt and healed, and so […]

If you could go back in time…

If you could go back in time and give your ten year old self a message of importance, what might that be?   As an adult, what do you now know about life that you couldn’t have known then, and how would that translate into guidance, and a message of hope, love and support.   […]

Is Duality a Con?

Is it really a dualistic experience we need to heal? Is it really just the distance between who we are and the outside world that needs to be bridged? I don’t think so. To believe that oneness is where we came from and one day hopefully return to, does makes sense. What doesn’t make sense […]

What would you do if time was up?

We had two great breathes last Sunday. It’s heartening to see familiar faces each week, to share so deeply with people from all over the world. This week the theme of death, dying and letting go seemed to hover in the air. None of us really ever know how long we have on this earth, […]

Breathing In Balance

  Finding balance could be as easy as breathing it into existence. The Heart Math Institute has valuable research demonstrating the power of the breath to balance the sympathetic and parasypathetic nervous system. Creating that balance frees us up to respond with clarity and calm. Isn’t  that something we could all benefit from? Here, Anthony […]

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