Emerging Victorious – Honouring Your Gains and Integrating Your Treasures

You heard the call, you left the safe harbour, you’ve faced all of the external voices persuading you that you shouldn’t follow your dreams, and you’ve faced your own personal inner Demons along the way, so what next?


For most of us by the time we return from our Hero’s Journey, we are changed.


The simple act of honouring our true heart’s desires gives us a message that we value ourselves, that we are listening to our deep inner wisdom, that we’re worth the full pursuit of our happiness and fulfillment, and that anything is possible as long as we believe it to be so.


Within the process of any change, but particularly where that change calls for taking risks, letting go and moving into new areas of life, we may have to first let go of old situations, jobs, relationships, friendships even. This is the stage where a different form of our work begins; what will we do with this new space that has opened up in front of us? Are we willing to be vulnerable in the ‘newness’ of these unfamiliar parts of our psyche? Will we fall back into old habits and drop back into the comfort and reassurance of the familiar, like a well worn favorite pair of slippers, or will we maintain our determination to keep our treasures close to our hearts and keep learning, keep moving forwards with intent? This is where we have the choice to truly wake up, or to go back to sleep.


In truth there should be no judgement around this, it is what it is, and we are only truly ready when we’re ready, so how do we keep our wonderful resolve alive? We notice ourselves, we notice when we are responding from old habits, patterns and triggers, and will use the treasures that we have gained to inform our forward direction. We surround ourselves with people who can see those treasures, and who enjoy them for us and with us. We build our resilience by feeding our spirits with ‘the good stuff’ that inspires and uplifts us, and we learn to see the resistance for what it is; a powerful seduction!


Throughout the course of my life, every time I have followed the call to adventure, and been mindful of the journey I’ve taken, I have always returned with the ‘Treasure’ I was seeking, without fail. Sure there are trials and tests along the way, and sure, the journey doesn’t end when we return, normally we simply enter a new cycle. There is usually a period of integration, rest and respite available to us whilst we re-adjust to our new life, but the very nature of growth is that is is perpetual. Even the White Cedar, the world’s slowest growing tree is growing, however invisible to the eye. After 155 years it has grown to a height of 4 inches, now that’s slow and steady!


Are you willing to find the flow of the pace of your own growth?


Can you celebrate your achievements along the way?


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