Breathwork is on the rise

Breathwork is on the rise. In fact one of the fastest growing modalities in Health and Wellbeing. It feels strange to say that the Breath is a trend when breathing is something we’ve done ever since the moment we were born!

There are many bodily functions which work automatically as part of the function of our autonomic nervous system (ANS) like digestion, muscle control and organ function. The breath, however is one we can also control ourselves, and it contains secrets waiting to be harvested.

If you have been feeling curious about breathwork, considering taking your experiences to new levels or perhaps adding it into your existing portfolio of work, then please read on.

The Alchemy of Breath Facilitator Training offers a profound and immersive experience of the breath. Our comprehensive teachings are already double accredited internationally, and we are on the threshold of receiving a third accreditation from a governing body in the UK. We believe that this reflects the quality and depth of our program.

Anthony’s model invites a deep personal journey through the experience of the 8-month training program. This is because his life work and purpose is to #breathetheworld, recognising the deep healing potential that lies locked within the breath. It’s a transformative experience. You can create pivotal life changes in just one session, and coming to a series of sessions really helps bring your life into new and creative actions.

Here are some of the subjects we cover:
  • History of the breath
  • Anatomy of the breath
  • Preparation of the space
  • Use of voice and language
  • The power of enquiry
  • Handling difficult situations
  • Building your business and your team
  • Use of music
  • Developing your felt sense
  • Ethical practice

…and much more.

If you have been feeling the call, please join our upcoming Q&A’s this Sunday at 11:00am or 6:30pm GMT (London Time).

To register, please go here : T8 Facilitator Training Q & A (training starts in June) 

Q&A date – Sunday 26th May 2019 

Here’s what our previous graduates have to say:

“The decision to train as a breathwork facilitator was hands down one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. As a licensed bodyworker, I had already just started a cranio-sacral training when deciding to follow my heart and switch to breathwork instead, and I’ve honestly never looked back. The combined use of personal process and structured teaching has grown me as a person and dramatically changed the course of my professional career as a result.”

“The teacher training with Alchemy of Breath has been a life changing process, bringing me clarity, focus and energy. The breath has empowered me to live the way I feel is right and to get rid of all that hinders me to do so. The weekly meetings during the training and the coming together as a Breath-Family in the camp, has given me a new family; a family, where truth and love are not only words!”

“My Alchemy of Breath Training was such a deep experience!  What set this program apart is the love and support I felt no matter what I was going through… The emotional highs and the lows were all held with a deep love and acceptance for where we were at, in each moment.  We were given information to learn from a variety of breath styles, and then we were encouraged to explore the breath, and find our own authentic voice in guiding the breath.  There were guidelines to keep the breathers safe, and there was also an openness to a variety of ways to facilitate the breath experience.  We were free to be authentic to ourselves in each moment and held with love through it all! ”

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