The Outsider: A Call to Leadership

Replay Package

Join Alchemy of Breath founders Anthony Abbagnano and Amy Rachelle, ND., and discover how Breathwork can transform feelings of not belonging, and feeling ‘outside’ into personal power, completion and leadership.
Package Price:

We are launching our Scholarship Fund, so if you are moved in anyway to contribute to those less fortunate who would benefit from our Facilitator Training, then please add your donation to the $25 fee.

We will match your contribution with our own, and will also let you know who you have supported in their journey to taking this fine work out to the world.

Replay Package Includes:

Bonus Breathwork

An additional recorded breathwork led by Anthony Abbagnano and Pablo Castro:

"The Meaning of Inner Leadership"

A Breathwork journey to help us show up in our lives as leaders, to create, and be present.

I'd like to learn how to show up as a leader!

The Outsider: A Call to Leadership

Replay Package

Join Alchemy of Breath founders Anthony Abbagnano and Amy Rachelle, ND., and discover how Breathwork can transform feelings of not belonging, and feeling ‘outside’ into personal power, completion and leadership.
Package Price:

We are launching our Scholarship Fund, so if you are moved in anyway to contribute to those less fortunate who would benefit from our Facilitator Training, then please add your donation to the $25 fee.

We will match your contribution with our own, and will also let you know who you have supported in their journey to taking this fine work out to the world.

The Outsider Replay Package

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