I started meditating at the age of 22 and studied Buddhism for a brief period. I became interested in archetypes and tarot after I met a young girl from LA who predicted I would be married within a year to someone I had only just met. She was right. I find tarot a great way to connect with teenagers and love introducing them to breathwork. I am fascinated by the esoteric and have enjoyed the teachings of many people in my time including Dr Wayne Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, the channels for Alcazar and Abraham, shamanic practitioner Sandra Ingerman and The Sacred Trust here in the UK .I found meditation useful while working as a fashion journalist, while pregnant and being a Mum and with bringing up children. While on the look out for a meditation modality I could teach that I believed would be understandable for people with or without a spiritual bent I was offered a scholarship to learn to facilitate with Alchemy of Breath. So here I am in love with Breathwork and ready to serve.

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