Jan Buis
I like to combine my nondual foundation with breath, sound, silence, kundalini yoga and various (plant)medicines. With these tools you will be able to move from the headspace to the heartspace. I’m a trained group worker and have experience in working with addiction, depression, Ptsd and related issues. My work is essentially focused on a […]
Anka Niedzwiecka
I started the facilitator training in late 2023 and just finished. My inspiration grows with every conscious connected breath I take and I am eager to share what I learned and to explore our limitless Self.
Juliana Ohneberg
Juliana Ohneberg is a certified breath work & Certified Sound Healing Practitioner whose passion lies in holding space in order to remind and reconnect people to their own innate inner wisdom weaving sacred sound with our oldest teacher: the breath. To Re-member strength, Re-cultivate inner peace and harmony in a space held with love and […]