Heal Yourself, Heal the World
“In the cave you fear lies the treasure you seek.” A while back I asked a question during our weekly Breathe The World about exercising inner authority in life, and for the
“In the cave you fear lies the treasure you seek.” A while back I asked a question during our weekly Breathe The World about exercising inner authority in life, and for the
Bruce Lipton, the award-winning epigenetics scientist, suggests that around 96% of our choices and actions are driven by our unconscious mind. This means the data we input in our childhood
You heard the call, you left the safe harbour, you’ve faced all of the external voices persuading you that you shouldn’t follow your dreams, and you’ve faced your own personal
Imagine this…. You have left the safe harbour of the familiar and the known. You have listened to the call of your spirit, and found the resolution you needed
I once saw a wonderful quote that said; “If you have never left the safety of the harbour, I’m not going to come to you for sailing lessons.” What
How often in life do we hear a strong ‘Call to Adventure’? And how often do we squash that call, rationalising it away in a pool of doubts, fears, and
Anthony Abbagnano is the founder of Alchemy of Breath, an international online organization that promotes the union of Western medicine with all other modalities. He is also the founder of ASHA, Alchemy School of Healing Arts in central Tuscany, Italy, a center dedicated to community health and emerging consciousness. Amy Rachelle, ND is the co-founder of both Alchemy of Breath and ASHA.
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