Having been a breather for decades, Anthony first incorporated breathwork into his other practices in 2012. The nephew of Italy’s most famous philosopher (Nicola), Anthony weaves many talents into his breathwork practice including philosophy, Jungian psychology, spirituality, Conscious Loving, hypnotherapy and Matrix Energetics (the study of miracles).
The founder of Alchemy of Breath, Anthony and his facilitation team have successfully taken breathwork into festivals, yoga spaces, the corporate world, prisons, the Psychedelic Society, hospitals and to the dying. His work is noted for its application in the fields of addiction, trauma release, transformation, personal empowerment, the integration of psychotropic and plant medicine experiences, and the opening of humanity’s hope for a heart-centered harmonious existence.
Driven by his passion to awaken the whole world to the miraculous gift of the Breath, Anthony is the pioneer of #BreatheTheWorld, an initiative to uplift world consciousness that has introduced Online Breathwork to thousands around the globe in over 40 countries to date.
Anthony has a unique and profound way of seeing and loving people, life, and the world. This pure expression is based on his ability to witness a person in their wholeness; this inevitably helps each person to cultivate their true capabilities. His ability to see someone’s soul beyond their personality is a testament to his personal commitment to self-growth.
Our brain uses 20-25% of our oxygen supply as nourishment. But in today’s world with pollution, air-conditioned environments, and less exercise, we are not getting what we need. The result is dimmed mindful awareness, but we have gotten so used to it that we think of it as normal. We accept diminished vitality as our baseline, and our brain learns to live with less.
So what could happen if we increased the dosage? With the Alchemy of Breath, we increase the supply of oxygen to the brain. We awaken the system again, and through our connected breath pattern, we not only restore our brain with what it craves, but much more, too. For those that have meditated before, you will find the experience a powerful way to support your practice. For those who know they should meditate, but don’t, the Alchemy of Breath will provide you with an instant opportunity to connect to the benefits of deep meditation.
The body is an archive of everything we are born with, as well as all the trauma we may have faced. Learning to live with and cope with unresolved traumas is possible, but limits us. What if there was another method, one that connected us with ourselves in a positive, supporting, and compassionate way?
In our busy lives, where the demands of our work and home life compound the stress and anxieties that we suffer, what if we had a tool we could use as a remedy? One that could not just reduce the pressure, but reawaken our enthusiasm, reconnect us with our passion, and even act as a guide for the way forward?
What if the answer lies in each of us, and the quickest way to it is through our breath?
Let us seek resolution and not just settle for the temporary relief distraction. Let us reduce the need for exhaustion, obsessive behavior, and even medications, as a way of finding balance.
Anthony Abbagnano is the founder of Alchemy of Breath, an international online organization that promotes the union of Western medicine with all other modalities. He is also the founder of ASHA, Alchemy School of Healing Arts in central Tuscany, Italy, a center dedicated to community health and emerging consciousness. Amy Rachelle, ND is the co-founder of both Alchemy of Breath and ASHA.
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