Quantum Shift

with Anthony Abbagnano & Amy Rachelle

Fear to fierce grace

overcome fear

We have transformed our 3 Day Quantum Shift Challenge: Fear to Fierce Grace into a course so that everyone can take advantage of it.

Today you have crossed a threshold into a new beginning! It takes courage to face your fears, and we want to assure you that your efforts will be worth it.

Our goal with Fear to Fierce Grace is to plot a pathway from fear, anxiety, and other constrictive emotions into something expansive, beautiful, and graceful. We will begin our journey today on Day 1 by exploring the concept of fear and what it might mean for us. On Day 2 we’re going to look at what fierce grace might look like for us. And on Day 3 we’re going to complete the journey of moving from one to the other.

"Fear to fierce grace"
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