How we abandon ourselves and our dreams

It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day busy-ness of life and to forget about the bigger picture. Lost in a sea of overactivity, our dreams seem to shrink as we lose sight of their potency. We often experience strong inner knowing in the wake of a breathwork session, a meditation practice, or other transcendent experience, but perhaps it’s less easy to maintain that as we return to our daily lives. The key lies in maintaining that connection to the deepest and most soulful part of ourselves that knows what we really want, and often has an awareness of how to get there.

In this Sunday’s evening breathe, we asked:

“If you could make one new commitment to yourself today, what would that be?” 

Making commitments to yourself is no different to making them to others. Perhaps you are someone who prides yourself on keeping your word; would you keep your word to yourself with the same level of integrity? I know for many it’s often easier to break our own promises to ourself than we would ever do with somebody else, so why is that?

We may have an investment in being the kind of person who keeps their word, we may want to keep everyone else happy, perhaps a bit of people pleasing may creep in? We don’t want to appear ‘bad’ or ‘flaky’ so we invest heavily in keeping our word and honouring our commitments, and this may mean we would walk through fire to do our best not to let another person down, but are we conscious about how we may be doing that to ourselves on a daily basis (breaking our own inner commitments to self)?

Bringing the question into enquiry with the breath gave us the space to consider making a solid new commitment to ourselves. Of course we would have to come back to you and ask you in several weeks time how you got on with this; ask whether you managed to honour yourself, and to love yourself enough to keep that commitment. Can you be compassionate with yourself if you don’t, and rather than giving up, just try again?

Here are some of the commitments that were made in our session, do you see yourself in there?

I commit to:

“Allow myself to receive love, to see and acknowledge love, and to stop pushing people away who try to support me”

“Be honest with myself”

“Stay living from the heart”

“Be at peace with all that happens in my life.”

“Fully open and embrace new opportunities.”

“Make decisions from love (not fear) and ones that align me with my true potential and purpose”

“Breathwork and letting go of the habits that don’t empower me.”

“Believe that I am worthy of generosity.”

“My commitment is to be able to listen and follow my inner guidance.”

We also had a gorgeous session in the morning where we were honoured to witness a dear brother’s share and his full process of recognition and letting go. This beautiful being came back in the evening and made a new commitment to himself, here’s what he said:

“I commit to giving myself unconditional love. How else can I learn about it?”

All the Love he was longing for and missing, he decided in that moment to give to himself. The modelling of such a beautiful commitment is something we can all learn from. Many of us find it easier to give to others than we do to ourselves, so let’s start making conscious commitments to our own growth, development and wellbeing in order that we can really shine in the way that we were meant to.

Join us every Sunday as we #breathetheworld at 9:30am and 5:00pm GMT London time.

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