Like your head is so full of things to do, and things to stay away from, that there is no space for feelings? Perhaps you’ve been taught that feeling is a sign of weakness, and the very thought of it destabilises you.
Or maybe you want more connection with your health, to understand physical symptoms in a more empowering way.
How about your relationships? Do you find yourself helping others but losing your sense of self in their story? Or perhaps you’re caught in the brambles of co-dependence, feeling your wellbeing is tied to someone else’s emotions.
Imagine a space where you can break free from these patterns—a space where your relationships are filled with unlimited fun, joy, and honesty. A place where even the serious moments are opportunities to discover the roots of wisdom within you.
Anthony Abbagnano is the founder of Alchemy of Breath. He’s also the founder of The Ark in Bali, Indonesia, a retreat center dedicated to community health and emerging consciousness, and of ASHA (Alchemy School of Healing Arts), a retreat and community center located underneath a medieval village in Southern Tuscany.
With 40 years of personal breathing practice and exploration, Anthony has explored many different styles of the breath, including rebirthing, LeBoyer, holotropic, transformational, Sufi breathing, and pranayama. Now he brings his life experience of motivational speaking, shamanic studies, clinical hypnotherapy, Bodytalk therapy, Conscious Loving coaching (Hendricks Institute), sound healing and medicine, and aromatherapy to his breathwork teachings and trainings.
As a result of his own healing journey, including his survival and transformation from a near-death experience, Anthony holds tender space for the depth of journey that some need to make as part of their healing path, transforming what has troubled them in the past into the joy and ecstasy that a breathwork practice provides.
Amy Rachelle, ND is an American medical medium and naturopath specializing in food as medicine, detox, and working intuitively to help people (mainly women) gain direction, healing, and empowerment – mind, body, and spirit. She’s been using breath practices personally and with her clients for the past 20 years.
She’s also a visionary, teacher, retreat leader, writer, and business person. In 2020 she co-founded ASHA, Alchemy School of Healing Arts with her partner and husband, Anthony Abbagnano.
Together they are building a holistic community and regenerating a forgotten village in Tuscany, Italy, populating it with their large online following.
Whether working with an individual, groups, or in conscious business, the basis of Amy’s work is about supporting our greatest human potential. Including our innate ability to heal through natural medicine and self-care practices. She facilitates self-reinvention, regeneration and resilience, and coming home to a joyful natural state – specific to the times we live in. Birthing a better world in times of massive change and bringing people together for personal growth and healing is Amy’s passion, along with writing her own songs, singing, performing, and living a life of courage and love.
Alchemy of Breath is not a medical practice and facilitators are not medical trained.
© Alchemy of Breath
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